Dothan Spine & Specialty
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Dothan, AL
Dothan Spine & Specialty
100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Dothan, AL
Enjoy these 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractic posts courtesy of Dothan Spine & Specialty in Dothan, AL 36303.
Starting over, in any circumstance and at any age, can bring up feelings of intense anger and fear. Leaving familiarity and comfort behind, life can force us to not only make changes, but to start from scratch after years of building. Just the thought of starting over can drain us. For many, we get The post Starting Over appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Whenever anyone, anywhere interviews or even just speaks with someone in their 90s, age 100, or beyond who is living a healthy, happy life, the question of secrets inevitably comes up. As in, what’s your secret? How did you get to live so well for so long? In almost every article I’ve read, The post Gratitude appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Lew Burja believes it’s very important to keep moving. A mere 92 years of age, Lew practices Tai Chi in his hometown of Leeds, England. He’s a grandfather to three little ones that he loves to keep up with. It’s a good thing he likes to stay active because he can’t stand still. The post Can’t Stand Still appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Student Bridges Generational Divide With Music When most college students walk into their residence hall, they are surrounded by other students their age. Beth Christensen is the youngest person in her residence – by about 50 years. “I’ve always believed that the most important things about people are not the facts about them,” The post Student Bridges Generational Divide With Music appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Dick Van Dyke started dancing and acting his way into our hearts over 60 years ago. Whether you grew up with the original version or Mary Poppins, or the more remake, you know Dick Van Dyke. One of the busiest entertainers in Hollywood, he’s continued to make appearances and do voice overs, even The post This Funnyman Might Just Make You Cry appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Everyone around the world has heard of the Michelin Star. Awarded to […]
With all of the plant-based “milks” on the grocery shelves, many people […]
Health tonics are nothing new. Thought of as modern-day elixirs, the idea of […]
If you’re committed to eating healthier, then you should give some thought […]
Winter is the season when hearty greens like kale, Swiss chard, and collards […]
At, Dothan Spine & Specialty, we combine state-of-the-art chiropractic techniques with the principles of The 100 Year Lifestyle to help people heal quickly and function at their highest level for a lifetime. We provide primary chiropractic care for our Dothan and surrounding communities while also attracting people from all over. We look forward to working with you and your family to help you reach your health goals.
Monday: 8am – 12pm and 2pm – 6pm
Tuesday: 8am – 12pm and 2pm – 6pm
Wednesday: 8am – 12pm and 2pm – 6pm
Thursday: 8am – 12pm and 1pm – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 12pm